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Argumentative essay on immigration

Argumentative essay on immigration

argumentative essay on immigration

Apr 22,  · Immigration Argumentative Paper. There are around million foreign-born people living in the United States today. From the beginning of this country until now, immigrants have come to the US in search of a better life, better opportunity, or more simply put: the American Dream. Attitudes towards immigration throughout this time have been mostly up and down until the new Trump When writing an argumentative essay on immigration a student has to take a stand on whether they are pro or against the matter and develop clear thesis that will present their position. This project demands implementing logic in developing arguments to support the main point of the work. Including a variety of statistical data and other hard evidence is highly beneficial for supporting your ideas Illegal Immigration An ongoing social issue that continues to be argued in our nation seems to be the never ending debate of illegal immigration. The crossing of people from other countries into the United States without the right paperwork has been at an all time

Immigration Argumentative Essay Writing: Pros and Cons -

Argumentative essay on immigration immigration has been a problem for the United States for a long time. This phenomena is not new and thousands of illegal immigrants have come into US through either the Mexico border, the Pacific Ocean, or through many other ways. Some people have entered the country legally through a visit visa, but then have stayed illegally and are working in various places. Illegal immigration is a double edged sword; on the one hand it provide the local economy with cost benefits as the illegal immigrants are not paid so much, while they are more productive.

On the other hand, these illegal immigrants do not pay taxes and their employers also do not pay their taxes. There are both pros and cons of illegal immigration and this paper shall take a look at some facts pertinent to illegal immigration in the United States. According to the U. Immigration and Naturalization Service, or INS, the total number of illegals in America from this source increases byannually.

Already the United States is host to an illegal population of 7 to 12 million, of whom the vast majority are Mexican or Hispanic in origin. These illegal and uninvited guests help themselves to jobs, education, welfare and unemployment compensation.

The many whose wages are paid under the table pay little or no taxes. The U. population primarily is growing as a result of births in the minority and immigrant communities. We do not like to think about it--as it is a political correctness problem--but there is stratification of labor, mostly along education lines, where the tough jobs in agriculture, manufacturing, and services are taken by those without recourse into the white-collar world of employment.

Especially when these low paying jobs do not require language ability, immigrants historically have jumped at these opportunities as a way to get their foot in the door. They first think about what their wages will be. If you are here illegally, you argumentative essay on immigration have a competitive advantage Howell Most of the Americans and the American officials are of the opinion that illegal immigration is bad for the country and it should be stopped completely, argumentative essay on immigration.

The Immigration Reform and Control Act IRCA is a law in the United States of America that pertains to the policies and regulations regarding employment. This law was enacted in for various reasons, which includes the fact that many illegal employees work in the United States, argumentative essay on immigration. In order to be eligible to work in the United States, argumentative essay on immigration workers must complete an I-9 form and must be able to prove their authorization to work in the United States to their employers.

Employers must accept any document listed in the INS Handbook for Employers, and may not arbitrarily specify an INS document, or require additional documents. Employers may not refuse to hire a qualified worker whose employment authorization expires argumentative essay on immigration a later date. I am for this immigration reform as I believe that illegal employment is a drain on the economy of the United States. There are more than 10 million undocumented workers excluding their families in the United States White.

Most of these illegal workers are concentrated in California and Texas, although their presence can be felt all over the country.

Many of these illegal immigrants are hired by US employers as undocumented workers and this is done because they can be hired at a pay less than minimum wage. Most of these workers are hired to work in the agricultural, manufacturing, and construction industries, or in backroom jobs. These workers are not given any kind of health care or any other benefits White.

These jobs are mostly opened illegally by US employers in order to save up on taxes and also save up on argumentative essay on immigration costs by paying the workers less than minimum wage. It is for this reason argumentative essay on immigration I believe it important for the immigration reform to be in place as it makes it harder for the employers to cheat the government out of the taxes etc, argumentative essay on immigration.

One other benefit that can be derived from the IRCA is that of the social costs related with illegal argumentative essay on immigration into the United States. When the illegal immigrants enter America, they do so without any papers or any authorization. This means that there is no record of where they come from or what sort of a background they have. They might be infected with a hundred diseases, argumentative essay on immigration, such as polio, tuberculosis, etc.

These diseases can spread and cause a lot of problems for the American citizens. Other than that, there are more costs that are added for a state as it has to pay for the education etc for these illegal immigrants. Republicans have reached agreement among themselves on legislation designed to combat illegal immigration Carney But with their package facing delaying tactics from Senate Democrats and a veto from the president, they finished the week of Sept.

It would be useful to consider the downside of implementing strict immigration laws. If the labor market were not being filled by illegal immigrants crossing the Mexican border, these positions would have to be filled by someone else.

If we were to bring more agricultural and service workers into the U. through a regularized process, the resulting body of immigrants would be less Mexican and more Arab, Muslim, South Asian, and African.

For those who want an idea of how this would impact American society, take a look argumentative essay on immigration Europe. This is an issue of culture, language, and religion. Author Samuel Huntington Who Are We? and others have argued that Mexican culture is not readily compatible with the Anglo-Protestant culture under which the U.

has prospered. This may be true. but it certainly is more compatible than Iraqi culture Howell If the Mexicans were not coming in illegally, we would have to process--and keep track of--all of them. What would the U. Citizenship and Immigration Service USCIS, the successor agency to the Immigration and Naturalization service under the new Department of Homeland Security have to look like to process the workers who are sneaking into argumentative essay on immigration country illegally on a daily basis?

What would it cost? There roughly are 11,, illegal immigrants in the U. By any process other than deporting them all, there will be a substantial increase in the size of the government agencies designed to monitor them Howell By making such an issue of illegal immigrants from Mexico, we are discouraging all immigrants about life in the U. The issue is plugging up the immigration system for applicants argumentative essay on immigration have math and science skills.

Many claim that the education system is being overburdened by the children of illegal immigrants. Yet, argumentative essay on immigration, such skills have not--at least over the last 20 argumentative essay on immigration produced by that same system, forcing us to import our technological capability from India, East Asia, and elsewhere Howell One might argue that the immigrants are people after all and that they should not be discriminated against even if they come illegally into the country.

A lot of public controversy has been sparked on the discourse of affirmative action, which is about the discrimination of the immigrants in the workplace. Other than this, there have been two paths that the development, defense, and contestation of preferential affirmative action have taken.

Many people argue that the immigrants are usually skilled labor and they help increase the local production of the United States. Others also argue that when the businesses pay them lower than minimum wage, their costs go down, which means that the costs of production as well as the prices goes down, and these help the citizens of the United States.

It is also argued that the immigrants tend to send their US dollars outside America to their families, and this strengthens the value of the dollar, making it more valuable, argumentative essay on immigration, thereby making the economy of US stronger. Yet, we find that these benefits are far argumentative essay on immigration by the costs that the illegal immigrants bear on the US.

Many immigrants have felt that they are being discriminated against in the workplace for one or more of the various kinds of discriminatory practices that occur within various organizations. Many of these employees are women who believe that they have been discriminated based on their sex. There are some theories that are presented in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of that pertain to discrimination in employment, even if the employee is an illegal immigrant, argumentative essay on immigration.

The IRCA changes all that. An illegal immigrant cannot be considered an employee under the IRCA, which automatically takes care of the discrimination problem. It can be concluded that the immigration reforms are a good practice for both the immigrants, and more importantly, for the US.

The illegal immigrants pose many problems for our country and they should not be allowed to enter in the first place. But since it is very hard to implement total security, steps should be taken to reduce the illegal immigrant inflow into our country and the first step is to implement immigration reform. Much of what these people earn in the US is sent to their homes in their own countries and the US economy is deprived of their taxes. By staying in the US, they are spending each second doing an illegal act as just their presence inside the US borders is argumentative essay on immigration illegal act.

Many people tend to think that eradicating illegal immigration is impossible and that it can never work. This is not true. Illegal immigration can be repealed if the government takes the proper measures. While there is no painless magic answer, argumentative essay on immigration, illegal migration can be significantly reduced with a few effective measures. Some of those measures require money; some require political will; many can be argumentative essay on immigration by the President without new legislation.

Adopted as part of a comprehensive approach, these measures will be effective. Adopted selectively, they will fail. As a first step, however, current law and regulations must be clarified. Employers are caught between competing legal mandates when hiring non-citizens; aliens with only a tenuous claim to presence in the U.

remain here for years under the color of law; and some government officials do not know whether they are obliged to report information to or withhold it from the INS. Congress and the regulators must simplify legal requirements so that the average person, citizen or alien, argumentative essay on immigration, can know what the rules are Lempres Interdiction can be effective because of the nature of the flow of illegal migration, argumentative essay on immigration.

Over 95 per cent of illegal border crossers come through Mexico, where the terrain funnels traffic into several crossing points. By far the busiest crossing point in the nearly 6, argumentative essay on immigration, miles argumentative essay on immigration land border is the 13 miles near San Diego.

Over 40 per cent of the Border Patrol's total interdictions occur in that mile strip argumentative essay on immigration land. Moreover, the Border Patrol estimates that over 90 per cent of its total apprehensions occur in just miles of border segments.

The concentration of illegal traffic means that interdiction efforts can be focused for greater effectiveness. Physical structures such as lights, fences, and anti-automobile barriers can be placed along the high-traffic crossing points.

Without new legislation, the Administration can build these structures and add Border Patrol officers at the hot spots Lempres Other than that, there has been a lot of prosecutions regarding illegal immigration over the past few years. But the government is not merely prosecuting illegal immigrants for immigration offenses; it is reinvigorating its investigation and prosecutorial efforts against corporate America as well.

Various corporate scenarios in the United States show that corporate America currently faces in confronting federal prosecutions.

Immigration Essay Practice Understanding the Task

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Migration Argumentative Essay Examples That Really Inspire | WOW Essays

argumentative essay on immigration

When writing an argumentative essay on immigration a student has to take a stand on whether they are pro or against the matter and develop clear thesis that will present their position. This project demands implementing logic in developing arguments to support the main point of the work. Including a variety of statistical data and other hard evidence is highly beneficial for supporting your ideas Immigration Argumentative Essay Examples Example # 1: Why Has Immigration Become So Controversial? The development of individuals between nations is known as movement. Migration alludes to the development of individuals starting with one country or locale then onto the next with the motivation behind looking for lasting habitation Argumentative Essay On Legal Immigration. Words | 6 Pages. immigrant selection, history, and economic statistics support the idea that legal immigration has, and continues to be, vital to the development and prosperity of the United States. Immigration was the foundation of the United States

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